Prescription Direction

The direction of prescriptions by a GP to a specific pharmacy is considered unethical by the BMA, CPE and GPhC.  If a contractor believes this is happening there are specific steps that need to be taken to raise a complaint. The Area Team have a process which contractors should follow.

In order for the Area Team to take forward the issues they need to have details of specific incidents .   The patients should  to write to the area team or if they prefer e-mail the following information :-

  • Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Telephone number
  • Date and time of the incident
  • Details of what happened including the name or names of the people they spoke to
  • Explicit consent for the area team to investigate on their behalf and
  • Consent for the area team to pass the information on to the practice for their response.

The Area Team’s expectation is that  once a complaint has been passed to the practice they should respond in 10 working days . This is not mandatory but considered best practice.

If patients wish to email they should send their complaints to:

All the  complaints from the patients will be handled by the Complaints Team  according to the NHS England Complaints procedure.