Antimicrobial Stewardship Workshop

15th November 2018 19:30-21:30

Holiday Inn, High Wycombe

More than ever, there is a need for awareness on the importance of antimicrobial resistance. This means that as well as engaging health care professionals, we need to engage the patients and the public as we are moving towards increasingly more patient-centred consultations. In these consultations patients need to be able to make informed decisions about their health outcomes.

The overall aims and objectives of this workshop are:

Focus on engaging patients and the public

  • debate current issues surrounding the use of antibiotics and look at different approaches that are used in practice
  • assess how the antimicrobial toolkit (TARGET toolkit) can be used to engage and educate the patients
  • discuss how to promote awareness of antimicrobial stewardship to to patients and public

Focus on optimising antimicrobial prescribing

  • familiarise yourself with local antimicrobial resistance; stewardship initiatives and national guidance
  • examine national and local antimicrobial guidelines for a common infection.
  • discuss how to engage and support the multidisciplinary team to optimise prescribing of antimicrobials.

This is a great opportunity to learn with your peers. To book, please click on the link below:

You can also book by calling 0161 778 4000 and quoting event number: 48146

For more details contact Navneet Seehra on